Monday, February 22, 2016

Korean History's Mysteries: Korean Ghosts and Hauntings

There have been several accounts of ghost sightings and hauntings throughout Korea, especially from the late 19th century onward. The sightings have been so frequent that one visiting American missionary called Korea “the most haunted place on Earth.”

1. What ghosts sightings have there been throughout Korea's history?

2. What special hauntings are reported to have been seen in Seoul?

3. What were the Korean goblins said to have been like?

4. There were sightings of Korean-looking ghosts. Were there sightings of foreign ghosts?

5. Were foreigners also said to have been haunted by these ghosts while in Korea?

6. What was the perception of some of the expatriates living in Korea in terms of the ghost and goblin reports?

7. Do some of these ghost sightings and hauntings persist today?

Monday, February 15, 2016

Korean History's Mysteries: Women's Life During the Chosun Dynasty

Many of the codified differences between men and women in Korea were introduced during the Chosun Dynasty, and women had fewer rights as a result of the transition into this new dynasty than they did during the previous dynasty.

1. How has this gender discrimination from the Chosun Dynasty affected Korean society today?

2. What kinds of restrictions or distinctions did this new way of thinking mark toward women during the Chosun Dynasty?

3. How were these Neo-Confucian principles applied to women's everyday lives?

4. Were there opportunities for women to enjoy some kinds of freedom during the Chosun period?

5. There was an abolition on the legal restriction for women to remarry. But what sort of other work is being done today to rectify some of the discrimination the Chosun period introduced?

Monday, February 8, 2016

Korean History's Mysteries: American planes used as enemy planes during the Korean War

Disguised as North Koreans, the Soviet Union used MiG-15s during the Korean War to attack the U.S. Air Force. This much is well-documented. But midway through the war, American pilots reported seeing American planes shooting at them. Could these planes have been aircraft stolen from American prisoners of war and used against the American Air Force?

1. What cases were there of American planes shooting at other American planes?
2. Why would the American military have reason to believe that the Soviet Union was using American planes during the war?
3. What has been the consensus opinion on the Russian military's possible use of American planes during the war?
4. How many American pilots were downed during the Korean War?
5. What does the story of P.O.W. Charles McDonough contribute to our understanding of possible use of American war planes by the Soviet Union?

Monday, February 1, 2016

Korean History's Mysteries: Emily Brown, the American-Born Empress of Korea

Queen Min was assassinated by figures working with the Japanese government in 1895. Queen Min was the wife of King Gojong, who later went on to declare Korea an independent empire. But did the newly minted Emperor Gojong take another wife? And was she American-born?

1. What is the story of Emily Brown?

2. What do we know about the life of Emily Brown?

3. What was the empress' wedding like?

4. How was the story of Empress Emily Brown popularly received?

5. What eventually happened to Emily Brown?

6. Was the story of Emily Brown true?

7. What other famous international marriages were there in Korea's history?